HOW TO CHECK THE PURITY OF om bhakti BHIMSENI CAMPHOR: Pure om bhakti Bhimseni Camphor evaporates completely and does not leave behind any residue or ash when completely diffused
NO HARMFUL CHEMICALS: om bhakti Bhimseni Camphor is Pure and is made from 100% Natural camphor, which is derived from the Camphor tree from Meghalaya. Locally available camphor generally have fillers and other chemicals which are cancer causing and dangerous to breathe, whereas om bhakti Bhimseni Camphor is completely free from them.
USAGE: Diffuse om bhakti Bhimseni Camphor on an kapur aarti/ Aroma diffuser / Aroma burner / Kapur dani for a mild fragrance that will change energy levels and create a positive aura around you and your home.
WHY DIFFUSE BHIMSENI CAMPHOR: It contains 100% Organic ingredients that have a calming effect on the mind , repels mosquitos and provides a refreshing fragrance which fills your life with positivity and happiness
EASY TO DIFFUSE – LONG LASTING FRAGRANCE: The size and shape of om bhakti Bhimseni Camphor, makes it easy to grip. Moreover, since the product is pure Natural camphor, it diffuses instantly on an Aroma diffuser / Aroma burner / Kapur dan/ kapur aartii and does not require much effort.